Personality questionnaires for all age groups
TALENTBRÜCKE provides job-related personality questionnaires for all ages.
TALENTBRÜCKE – Training Maturity Questionnaire-New
The TALENTBRÜCKE – Training Maturity Questionnaire New enables students and young people to assess their social skills with little effort. The TALENTBRÜCKE – Software can represent the self-assessment in comparison with an external perception by observers. The questionnaire is currently available in more than 20 languages.
TALENTBRÜCKE – Inventory of Professional Key Competences
The TALENTBRÜCKE – Inventory of Professional Key Competences is a self-assessment tool for adults in professional life to assess their occupational personality traits. After evaluation by the TALENTBRÜCKE – Software, each participant receives an individual result profile.
TALENTBRÜCKE – Questionnaire on project-related stamina
The TALENTBRÜCKE questionnaire on project-related stamina records a self-assessment of one’s own stamina. The questionnaire can be used for all persons who want or need to implement an upcoming project. The term „project“ describes a goal-oriented project that is to be worked on over a limited period of time in order to generate a defined goal.
The TALENTBRÜCKE – Team Role Test is a questionnaire that records your own role(s) in the (professional) team. The test consists of seven times ten items, which are to be put into an order by the test persons. The result report, which is available in a timely manner, shows the characteristics of the participant’s roles as well as more detailed information on the team roles.
All questionnaires are evaluated with the TALENTBRÜCKE – Software.