TALENTBRÜCKE develops group exercises for different target groups and projects. For exercises already successfully used in different projects as well as new group exercises observer sheets with defined behavior anchors are available. These behavioural descriptions were developed with the help of the MELBA criteria. The MELBA (Characteristic Profiles for the Integration of People with Performance Changes and Disabilities in Working Life) Skills Profile is based on a 29 section catalogue of characteristics covering the areas of cognitive, social and psychomotor skills as well as various qualities of work performance and mastery of cultural techniques and communication.
The TALENTBRÜCKE – Observer Sheets are perfectly matched to the TALENTBRÜCKE – Training Maturity Questionnaire and the TALENTBRÜCKE – Personality Questionnaire. They enable an objective external assessment by one or more observers for the following nine dimensions:
Perseverance/frustration tolerance
The ability of a person to work in a concentrated manner even under difficult conditions or over a longer period of time is recorded.
Willingness to perform/motivation
The performance motivation scale covers the candidate’s individual demands on his or her own performance and the motivation to continuously improve his or her performance.
Politeness refers to a considerate and respectful way of dealing with one’s fellow human beings. When dealing with other people, helpfulness, i.e. the willingness to support other people, also plays an important role.
Awareness of responsibility/reliability
A sense of responsibility is the ability to take responsibility for oneself or other persons or objects or tasks. Reliability is the ability to act carefully and conscientiously.
Communication and criticism skills
Communication skills are the ability and willingness to communicate with other people, to establish and maintain contacts with them. Criticism ability describes the ability to deal with feedback from others and to give constructive feedback to others.
Conflict ability/Problem solving competence
The ability to deal with conflict is understood as the ability to endure situations in which different views and opinions come about, to address problems constructively and to direct disputes in such a way that a conciliatory solution can be found. Problem-solving competence is the ability to recognise, understand and solve difficult situations.
Creativity and ingenuity means the ability to develop many new and unusual ideas for solving problems. In this context, inventiveness and originality play a special role.
Independence/Structured approach
The ability to work independently is characterised by the extent to which a person is able to act independently and in an organised manner and to plan work steps in a comprehensible and systematic manner.
Capacity for teamwork/willingness to cooperate
The ability to work in a team scale provides information about whether a person enjoys working on a task together with others. The prevailing attitude towards teamwork is recorded and whether the candidate sees obstacles to being able to integrate into a team.
The TALENTBRÜCKE – Software displays the results graphically and, if necessary, compares them with a self-assessment if a self-assessment form is used.
The TALENTBRÜCKE – group exercises and observation sheets are available on request. Contact us!
TALENTBRÜCKE – Group exercises and observation sheets (based on MELBA) – Your contact person